Is 100 the new 70?

Help your clients live well in the age of living longer.

Preparing for increasingly longer lives in retirement is nothing new. But did you know that advancements in medical science have longevity accelerated toward exponential growth? In fact, some experts are predicting that life expectancy will increase by about 30 years in the next decade, making 100 the new 70.1

In this white paper, discover more about the science of SuperAging, and how you can help your clients live their best lives in older age—physically, emotionally, and financially.

  • Explore the science behind today’s exponential longevity growth
  • Delve deeper into the foundational aspects of SuperAging: Sleep, movement, nutrition, and stress
  • Help address the financial security needs that come with living longer

Download the Is 100 the new 70? white paper.

1 Julie Blim,, “Aging in the Future Never Looked Better,” accessed September 24, 2022.

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